As a result of the March 31 elections, mukhtarlar elected to the neighborhood mukhtar, Mayor of Çınarcık Numan Soyer made a good visit.

Mukhtars Burak Çelik, Muharrem Ibiş, Muharrem Ibiş, Muharrem Ibiş, Muharrem Edepali, and Mustafa Güvenç, visited President Numan Soyer in his office and conveyed his wishes to be auspicious.

President Soyer and muhtars chatted with Çınarcık on local administrations and politics of the country for a while during the visit.

“ We will be together with our mukhtarımlarımız, which we regard as the spokesperson, representative, common reason and conscience of our neighborhoods. We have entered a new era in which we will work in harmony. In this period, we will serve our people by supporting each other., ” he said.

Mayor of Çınarcık, Numan Soyer, thanked the mukhtarians for their visits and wished success in their duties.

15.04.2019 14:00

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