25 and 26. AK Party Yalova,with our parliamentarian Fikri Demirel and AK Party Yalova, former Provincial President Mustafa Pehlivan, visited the mayor of Çınarcık, Numan Soyer.

25 and 26. In the elections held on Sunday, March 31, 2019, Mustafa Pehlivan, the former provincial president of the AK Party Yalova, visited Numan Soyer, elected mayor of çınarcık, and conveyed his wishes to be auspicious.

Demirel, Pehlivan and President Numan Soyer exchanged mutual opinions on Çınarcık and Yalova during the visit and exchanged mutual opinions on local administrations and General country politics for a while.

Mayor of Çınarcık Numan Soyer, 25 and 26. AK Party Yalova parliamentarian Fikri Demirel and AK Party Yalova thanked former Provincial President Mustafa Pehlivan for their kindly visits.

16.04.2019 19:25

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