Within the scope of the 30 August Victory Day celebrations in Çınarcık, Aydilge, one of Turkey's popular artists, took the stage.

Aydilge took the stage in the last concert organised by Çınarcık Municipality for 30 August Victory Day in Cumhuriyet Square.

The programme started with the National Anthem and a moment of silence and continued with the speech of our Mayor Avni Kurt. Starting his speech by reading lines from Nazım Hikmet's poem ‘On Victory’, Mayor Kurt said: ‘If we are an independent country today, if we can enjoy freely in this square, we owe this to the wars won many years ago, to the victory that was “ripped off with fingernails” as Nazım put it. We owe it to Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the architect of that victory, his comrades in arms and the heroes of the National Struggle. I commemorate them with endless respect, mercy and gratitude in your presence.’

Ercan Gezmiş, one of the actors of Hababam Class, sang his favourite songs for Çınarcıklı people in the concert which was hosted by Ercan Gezmiş.
Aydilge gave fun-filled moments to his fans.

Our Mayor Avni Kurt presented a plaque of appreciation to Aydilge at the end of the concert which was attended with great participation and enthusiasm.

The concert ended with fireworks accompanied by the Izmir Anthem.

After the concert, Mayor Avni Kurt took photos with the citizens who attended the concert to commemorate the day.

30.08.2024 21:00

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