How to make funeral procedures

  1. If the death has occurred at home at the usual reasons, the Transactions to be made; the Buried Permission Paper shall be collected by referring to the District Municipality which is affiliated with the original Identity Card.
  2. If the death is due to normal reasons in the hospital, the procedure is as follows: Documents to be prepared by the hospital.
  3. A document to be prepared by the Forensic Medicine Institution is taken in the proceedings for the funerary foundations in the Forensic Medicine Moge.
  4. For the fares coming from abroad, the report of the burial will be arranged by the doctor of the airport.

How to Perform Funeral Burial Procedures


"Document" taken from Municipalities, Hospitals or Forensic Medicine Institution, "Burial Report" taken from doctors of airports is applied to our closest funeral services. The burial ground is grabbed from the cemetery which is available to us by our funeral services. In the direction of the wishes of the citizens who are close to the funeral, the funeral is taken from the house, from the hospital, from the airport, transferred to the mosques or the offices of our municipalities, washed to the funeral homes, laundered for funeral, put on coffin, put into funeral, excavation and preparation of the tomb, the opening of the sarcophagus doors, the installation of the sculptures, the installation of the sarcophagus and all religious services and services at the time of the funeral are carried out with care by the institutional and related company personnel. These services at the time of the funeral are paid by the Deathly Comers.

During or after the funeral business, our citizens will not be able to pay our staff in the name of helpless, incompetence or helplessness that is misplaced in tradition and customs.

Actions to be taken in deaths in hospital, for normal reasons

  1. It is a legal obligation to have the burial licenses of the deceased in hospitals and other health institutions issued by the Director and the Chief Medical Officer and to be approved by official authorities in accordance with the procedure
  2. Unless approved by the Official Societies, the Hospital and other health facilities must have the burial license, which is given by the treating physician during the illness causing the death, and the burial licenses which are not approved by the official doctor, no burials shall be buried or accepted in the cemeteries.
  3. As explained above, our citizens who are close to the funeral, who have received a burial permit (a burial license) issued or endorsed by the official government, apply personally to one of the chiefs of funeral affairs affiliated to their nearest office..

Transactions in Deaths Based on Judicial Causes

If a death has occurred with a forensic reason, after the examination of the prosecutor's office, the funeral report is sent to the directorate with the "Burial Report" where the signature of the prosecutor and the doctor and the stamp of the doctor are found, and the procedure is initiated at the nearest funeral chief. Forensic Medical Institutions The burials held in the morgue are buried as described above with the burial licenses sent by the Forensic Medicine Institution

Additional Actions You may Request During Burial

If it is requested that the coronation be burnt with coffin; the cost of the coffin determined in the wage payment plan is collected in advance during the burial process from receipt of the receipt from the relatives of the funeral. If the burial is to be buried in the cemetery areas approved by the Directorate; In that cemetery, the "Graveyard for a funeral for the burial place" stated in the fare statement is collected in advance and the Graveyard Placement Certificate is given and the burial procedure is performed.

If the grave site where the burial place to be buried is requested to be made a sarcophagus; again near the funeral, the receipt of the receipt of the sarcophagus specified in the fare plan is collected in advance, a sarcophagus tomb is built and the funeral is buried.

If you are asked to be buried at a burial site where the burial site was previously purchased at the funeral; the previously purchased empty grave site and grave site documentation must be submitted to our Funeral Services Chiefs during the burial process.

If it is requested that the burial be buried upon a previously close relative, it is required that at least 5 (five) years have elapsed from the date of the last burial in order for the second burial to be made. In addition, the grave site must be purchased. For this, the original document of the grave site must be presented..

If the person who has the right to use the grave site requests that the ones who died from relatives (empty or full) instead of their own grave be buried; The original of the Population Certificate and the graveyard using document will be submitted to the Funeral Affairs Chief with a petition and photocopy of the graveyard using document and the photocopy of the identity card

Selection of the Cemetery Area where the Genocide will be buried

Officials of the Directorate are trying to ensure that the funeral is buried in the cemeteries in accordance with the request of our citizens as much as possible. However, in the cemeteries in the center of our province, there are not any areas where the funeral burials are available except for the family funeral, so burials are buried in the cemetery which is open to the burial and possible to please our citizens

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