Çınarcık Municipality Fire Department teams provide fire and disaster preparedness training to students in schools throughout the district.

Our Fire Department teams started practical training activities on fire brigade and fire in schools.

Within the scope of the training, the first stop of our Fire Department teams was Firuzan Kınal Primary and Secondary School.

Our fire brigade teams explained to the students how they should evacuate the building and behave in case of any danger. Then, they came together with the students in the school garden and carried out practical training on fire extinguishing.

Students are raised awareness against fires.

In the training, the students were given theoretical and practical information about the duties of the fire brigade, the problems intervened, the clothes, tools and materials used in fire extinguishing and the types of fire. The students were told about the precautions and measures to be taken in order to avoid any fire.

Our Fire Department will continue its training activities in order to make young people sensitive and conscious about fires.

03.10.2024 15:34

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