The project of Freedom Park was completed in the area where Turyol Pier, the first point where the people who arrive to Çınarcık by sea, is pressed.

One of the busiest spots in Çınarcık, the Freedom Park Project in the vicinity of Turyol Pier, which is the first spot where holidaymakers come to town in the summer months, is being done by Çınarcık Municipality.

The work carried out by Çınarcık Municipality Science Directorate will be about 3 acres of underground parking, park, social facilities and living area. The 1500 square meter area was used as a parking lot and the 1600 square meter area was modernized as parking, social facilities and seating area.

Our Science Teams Department's crews completed a study of colored concrete in the study area and then ceramic stone paving work. After the improvement of the landscape, the green area and landscaping were done. After the landscaping arrangement, new living groups, a beautiful living space with lights emerged. "Gulen Yüz Çınarcık", which became one of the icons of the county, and the logos were also written on this occasion.

21.08.2017 13:42

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