23 April national sovereignty and children's day Çınarcık Republic Square was celebrated with enthusiasm.

The ceremony held in front of Atatürk monument in the Republican Square was attended by the mayor of Çınarcık Soner Kırlı, mayor of çınarcık Numan Soyer, District Security Director Ragip Tunç, members of the Municipal Assembly, civil and administrative governors of public institutions in the district, representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations and political parties, students and a large number of citizens.

After the ceremony of the wreath putting the memorial of Atatürk, the speech was given stating the meaning and importance of the day following the appearance of respect and the independence anthem. In the “Anatolian is the imagination of a child” themed celebration Program prepared by Çınarcık Gülkent primary and Secondary School, Malazgirt (when Alparslan was a child of Anatolia was dramatized), conquest (when Fatih was a child of Istanbul was dramatized), Bandırma ferry (when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a child of Turkey was dramatized), gulkent children's Chorus sang " The Sun from Samsun“, Gulkent children's choir sang “No Wars”, “Lo Scrivero-Freedom”, “more beautiful than you” songs.

The demonstrations were greatly appreciated by the citizens who participated in the event.

23.04.2019 14:30

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