The construction of a new water depot at Hasanbaba is over.

The construction of a new water depot in Hasanbaba district has begun so that our water needs can be met more efficiently. We are solving the water problem with the completion of the 3 million-liter capacity new water reservoir and the retrofit station we built in Çalica Village. With the new depot functioning, the pressure problem in the upper floors will no longer occur on days when heavy water usage is experienced.

The main pipes connected to the inlet-outlet, evacuation and elevation centers that make up the mechanical part of the water reservoir were installed. The machinist's room was also made ready for use. Automatic chlorination system connections in the water tank are complete.

Beside Hasanbaba Water Depot, Koru Water Depot, Çalıca Water Depot and Üçreisler Water Depot; connected to the inlet-outlet, evacuation and elevation centers which form the mechanical parts of the tanks; Renewal of the main pipes is also completed. It is filled with full capacity in 4 water reservoirs located in our province; district of our country completely meets the need of water.

28.08.2015 04:06

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