Çınarcık Municipality, which takes solution-oriented service approach as its principle and returns its service units to corporate identity, will respond instantly to the problems and expectations of citizens with Call Center from 444 04 77

Any request to the call center, complaint; it is concluded absolutely through the related units, and the citizens are informed about the process and the result. In addition to complaints coming from the phone, complaints and complaints from the website are finalized by being subjected to the professional process and the information is returned to the citizen via e-mail and / or telephone

You can reach to Çınarcık Municipality Call Center by calling 444 04 77, which is established in order to respond to the needs and expectations of our citizens in the fastest and most effective way.

At the Call Center, where all calls made with citizens are recorded for service quality standards and communication security, every transaction is definitely finalized, and processes and outcomes are informed.

The Call Center, where the citizens can respond to any suggestions, complaints and problems instantly, will be as close as a phone call to the citizen. Problems coming to the call center that will work with the slogan "The solution is now closer to a phone" will be transferred to the relevant units by the officials, followed by the process and return to the citizen.

Çınarcık Mayor Avni Kurt; Our citizens can send any requests, suggestions and complaints to the center free of charge 24/7. President Avni Kurt; "Thanks to the system, our citizens are able to follow the complaints from us as soon as they have reached us, and if they are not resolved, they can easily access the information they originate from.

13.07.2019 11:00

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