As a result of the studies carried out in partnership with Çınarcık Municipality and Yalova Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate (AFAD), there is a disaster gathering area at 6 points throughout Çınarcık.

In the event of a possible disaster, especially an earthquake, in Çınarcık, the areas necessary for citizens to gather in a safe place have been determined by AFAD at 6 points.

Hüdaverdi Aydın İlkokulu ve Ortaokulu Bahçesi 
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/sf6dHDvpE4R2

254. Sokak (İlçe Emniyet Binası yanı Otopark)
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/uysLpnD7trw

Çınarcık Meslek Yüksek Okulu önü
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/yzjDiT9R8rk

Hasanbaba Mesire Alanı
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/XNza3U9gVby

Meteroloji İstasyonu / Doğa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Şefliği
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/D7WWpdNvzuj

Çalıca Köyü Futbol Sahası
Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/BEioYmkzXZ62

18.12.2023 14:15

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