With Cumhuriyet Square, where people meet, festivals are organized, under the gaze of the Ataturk monument with the clock tower... with Turgut Ozal Park under the trees, where childhood was experienced on swings, slides…

With its harbor where the engine sounds of fishing boats mingle with the sounds of seagulls... With the oxygen tank Hasanbaba, where people have picnics... With its Vase that adds elegance to Karpuzdere…

Çınarcık is a completely different city with its immaculate sea, beautiful coast... Warm-blooded people from every nationality, every dialect who form a mosaic... Friendly shopkeepers ...where we grew up on its streets, where the leaves of plane trees add sadness to its streets and sidewalks during the hazan season, which loses nothing of its beauty even when it is sad.

It is necessary to know the value of this city. On all issues related to this city, the future of this city, everyone living in this city has the right to have a say.
I have infinite respect for the word, preference, criticism of everyone who lives in this city.

Everyone who lives in this city is the crown on my head.

Sovereignty Belongs Unconditionally
To The Nation!