The Ordinary Assembly meeting in April 2019 was held today (10.04.2019) with the new mayor, Numan Soyer and the new members of the assembly.

The Assembly meeting was started with respect and the reading of the National Anthem. Discussion of previous decision summaries and agenda proposal, continued with proposals

At the council meeting ; the election of members of Parliament and parliamentary deputy clerk, the election of the members of the committee, selection committees, the superintendent's annual report for the year 2018, the Turkish world municipalities Union member selection , member selection the Union of municipalities of Marmara Aegean and surrounding solid waste Facilities making and business of the Union member selection, the selection of its members Yeşilova Gulf Tourism Association of the province of Yalova water and wastewater Association, the selection of its members the blue sea of the Union of historical cities Union member selection the selection of its members , the Union of municipalities of Marmara, member of the selection, ceremony, hospitality and Promotional Expenditures the regulation issues were discussed.

Decisions taken will be published in the following days under the decisions of the Assembly on our web site.

10.04.2019 21:04

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