There were colourful moments in the 1st Anchovy Festival, to which our municipality also contributed.

Our Mayor Avni Kurt participated in the Anchovy Festival organised by Çınarcık Young Black Sea People's Association in the area in front of Turyol Pier.

On the last day of the festival, which lasted for three days with intense participation, our Mayor Avni Kurt offered anchovies between bread to the citizens, then chatted with the citizens and listened to their opinions and impressions about the festival.

Speaking on the subject, Mayor Kurt said; ‘God willing, we will ensure the continuity of the anchovy festival, which was organised for the 1st time, to become traditional. At this point, as Çınarcık Municipality, we are ready to do whatever we can do. We are extremely determined and willing to add vitality to this city with festivals and to keep our cultural richness alive. I sincerely thank everyone who contributed and contributed to the realisation of the anchovy festival. I offer my greetings and love to all Black Sea people living in this city.’

29.09.2024 09:49

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