Mayor of Çınarcık Numan Soyer issued a message on 23 April national sovereignty and children's day.

On 23 April 1920 the Grand National Assembly granted Mustafa Kemal with the surname Atatürk on 24 November 1934.Atatürk gave his great speech on 15-20 October 1927 in which he described the independence war and founding of Republic, and on 29 October 1933 the 10. The First Assembly to establish national sovereignty was the Alligator of the homeland's love, unity and solidarity, and the sacrifices exhibited for independence.

Today, which is the anniversary of the establishment of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, has taken its place in history as one of the brightest pages in the history of our nation. The celebration of 23 April as a children's day is extremely meaningful in terms of symbolizing the value our country has given to its children. With these feelings and thoughts, the 99th opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. on the anniversary of our children's national sovereignty and children's day on 23 April, which adds meaning to this day with their loving hearts, I wish them many bright days together with our children.”

23.04.2019 11:00

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